We are fundraising for Bear Cottage!
Bear Cottage is the only children’s hospice in NSW, providing respite and end-of-life care for children with terminal illnesses and their families in a medically supported ‘home away from home’. For children in their care there is no happy ending or miracle cure. Bear Cottage gives them as much love, care, laughter, fun, and support, as they need.
Please support us and visit our Cake Stall Stand on the beach front at East Esplande Manly, as we fundraise for this amazing cause!
(Gracie, Ava, Millie & Goldie)
Thank you to my Sponsors

Cash Collected

Maria Persic
Well done girls!!

Awesome idea Girls! Hope you enjoy baking and raise lots of money for Bear Cottage!

Lucy Graham

Lyn Stephen


Mel Bryden

Robert Mather

Sophie Croft
