Team Wattle

By Katherine Newton

I'm fundraising for Bear Cottage!

As many of you know, I volunteered at this incredible local service. Not only is it a place of peace in a family’s most private moments but a place of respite and smiles.

The beauty and kindness of the Cottage is incredibly special and hard to describe.

Jarvis and I request no gifts but your generosity to those you will likely never meet but who will be grateful for your support.


Bear Cottage is the only children’s hospice in NSW, providing respite and end-of-life care for children with terminal illnesses and their families in a medically supported ‘home away from home’. For children in their care there is no happy ending or miracle cure. Bear Cottage gives them as much love, care, laughter, fun, and support, as they need.

Please support me as I fundraise for this amazing cause!

Thank you to my Sponsors




John Ward

Love you!


Katherine Newton


Alice And Roly


Tommy Lee


Kim Boz


Will & Jess


Neil David White




Chris And Tim


Shell Lentfer